

atlas fai logoAt South Hill Foot & Ankle Clinic, Dr. Borys Markewych is proud to offer several state-of-the-art foot and ankle treatments for his patients. One of these is HyProCure®, and if you have foot pain from fallen arches or flat feet, it could be your best chance to eliminate the pain without requiring an invasive, traditional surgery. Dr. Markewych is the only doctor in the state of Washington who is certified by the Atlas Foot Alignment Institute to perform this procedure.

A Common Source of Foot Pain—Misaligned Feet

misaligned feetEvery day in our office, we hear stories from people dealing with some kind of painful foot condition—heel pain, tendonitis, bunions, etc. What most people don’t know is that these are often secondary issues—symptoms rather than causes.

The real issue is often feet that are flat or misaligned and cannot distribute forces in a normal, healthy manner. Treating the secondary problem alone is kind of like re-inflating a tire without fixing the leak—you might receive some temporary relief, but the core issue remains.

What do we mean by “misaligned?” In many cases, it means that the ankle joint has slipped a bit out of place relative to the heel bone. It may not even take much of a slip before you start noticing big problems, and a misaligned foot can throw your entire body out of balance. This causes not only foot pain, but also discomfort throughout your body, including knees, hips, and lower back.

How HyProCure® Helps

flatt feetThe HyProCure® is a titanium stent, the approximate size and shape of a small screw. It may not look like much, but this little device has helped tens of thousands of individuals overcome discomfort and even debilitating pain.

In the procedure, the HyProCure® stent is inserted into a naturally occurring space between the ankle and heel. Thanks to the unique titanium threading, the soft tissues in your foot quickly adhere to the stent naturally, with no screws or plates necessary.

Once in place, the device instantly realigns and stabilizes your hindfoot, moving your foot, ankle, hips, and knees back into proper alignment. Your weight is rebalanced into a healthy configuration, decreasing pressure on sensitive joints and putting very little pressure on the stent itself. You will also find improved range of motion in your ankle, and may even notice your arch return to a more normal shape.

HyProCure® Treatment in Spokane, WA

If you’re suffering from any kind of foot pain, especially if you’ve noticed flattening in your arches over time, you may be a candidate for this procedure. We are pleased to offer this advanced procedure for our patients, so contact our Spokane, WA office today for more information and to find out if this might be right for you. Call South Hill Foot & Ankle Clinic at (509) 747-0274 and we can discuss your treatment options.

Learn the science behind the Hyprocure procedure.

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